|Small Groups|

In a growing church, sometimes it is hard to feel connected. Our connecting place for studying God's word and doing life together is in our small groups which are always excited to welcome new people in. Some groups are geographically based and others are affinity based. All groups include living (fellowship), loving (care) and learning (study) together.

If you are interested in joining a Small Group at VVAC, or would like to know more about them, please fill out the form below and we will get you connected.

Current groups (Day - Location):

  • Tuesdays (every other) - 7:00 pm Mount Albert

  • Tuesdays (2nd and 4th) - 7:00 pm Newmarket

  • Wednesdays (every other) - 7:00 pm Holland Landing

  • Wednesdays (Young Adults) - 7:30 pm Newmarket (at the church)

  • Saturdays (2nd Saturday of each month Women’s Drop in) - 9:00 to 11:00 Holland Landing

  • Sundays (2nd and 4th) - 1:00 pm Newmarket (at the church after the service)